Good To Know

What Apple’s new 3D Touch Feature on iPhone 6s models mean for email

Apple's new 3D Touch feature in Mail

New Peek and Pop Gestures

At Apples September 9th 2015 keynote they unveiled the new iPhone 6s and 6s Plus. Of all the new features that were added 3d Touch was most notable. It works by detecting the pressure a user applies to the screen and differentiate between tap, subtle press (Peek) and deep press (Pop) adding two new gestures.

So what does this mean for how we interact with their Mail app

Lets start with the Mail icon on the home screen if you push done on it to peek you now get the options for Inbox, VIP Messages, Search and New Message.

3d touch of Mail Icon

In the inbox once the app has been launched.
Screen Shot 2015-09-10 at 8.13.35 AM

You can push on any message to peek inside without it being marked as read.
Screen Shot 2015-09-10 at 8.13.37 AM

If you press harder it pops you into the email where you can read it as normal.
Screen Shot 2015-09-10 at 8.13.40 AM

Now lets take a step back to when we were peeking in if you swipe to the right you can mark the message as read.
3d touch mark as read

If you swipe up you get more options.
swipe up for more options

And finaly if you swipe to the left you can delete.
swipe to left to delete

that’s all folks.

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1 Comment

  1. Marc Geck0

    As a web designer allows me to keep up with current email trends for the iSheep. -_^

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